The Low of High Expectations
3 min readAug 1, 2017
When you are a soul who finds itself gravitating towards strange places, then you would understand the urge a traveller feels when moving to different countries. It is no secret that stepping out of your comfort zone brings out the best possible version of you. But there are prices you pay for having that outcome. So, here are few things, that I came across when I was travelling to America via Turkish Airlines. Now keep in mind that I haven’t travelled a lot and this trip was the second trip of my life.
- Airplane bathroom, that is a no-zone till an emergency befalls you. But if your endurance game is strong and you can make your way till the end of your journey, then the first thing you do is rush to the airport’s restroom. Now that can be a tricky thing, since you have no idea about the airport’s interior structure. And if you’re lucky enough you just move from the security check and find a restroom nearby. But if fate decides to make it bitter for you, you find yourself lost. The burning stomach and the Niagara Fall begins to reveal its magic on your face. So, you pounce upon the next person you come across who can tell you the way to the washroom. The person as expected from luck doesn’t know English and you say all the words you know that might ring a bell, “Washroom, Toilet, Restroom, Lavatory, Latrine, Urinal, Loo and Commode”. Then when you finally make it to the destination, you find yourself in the midst of a long queue. Lets end this note on a lyric by Justin Timberlake, “Now there’s just no chance | With you and me | There’ll never be”.
- For bodies who have high food drive, embrace yourself for if you’re trying to find the perfect kind of meal at an Airport you won’t be able to succeed. Not because they don’t have food, but because you’ll waste half your stay over while searching for Halal kind of food which is just perfect because “French Fries” is all you can have baby. Or maybe Starbucks coffee and cookies. But ain’t no Lahori is going to settle for that. At Ataturk International Airport I went around for like 40 minutes looking for McDonald’s and I ended up in a Wine Store because they looked so pretty. Why God Why Me?
- Beauty presents itself when you can’t have enough look at it. Now, I know that airports are no places to find a date but oh boy the kind of people you come across at airports is just phenomenal. The diversity, the features and variety that showcases itself is like a tease. Sometimes, it leaves you in a self-analysis. *Maybe I should cut down some of that Ice Cream with Nutella on top*. And there you are, in your Desiest form, trying to find McDonald's but then feed off of people’s beauty. Not trying to objectify anyone, but you have to admit. It is something we all do. Check people out and not just someone belonging to the opposite sex but of same sex as well. Just having fun!
- The screens! The beautiful bright colourful screens that reveal the gate number of your flight. Oh, they are a pain in the ass because that screen keeps changing like Pakistan’s government. You blink and there it goes. How the hell is that supposed to help? Of all things I thought of, I had to stand in the middle of the Airport, like a dwarf among normal people and look at the screen for more than one hour to register my connected flight’s gate number. Unfortunately, the neck suffered and I couldn’t sleep properly through the rest of the journey while the man parallel to me stayed in deep slumber for hours.